Integration for Everyone
Integration isn't just for refugees, it's for everyone. In this podcast, you'll find discussions about innovative integration programs and the role that Germany plays in helping refugees create a new life. You will hear interviews with Germans, newcomers and long-time citizens alike, who have been working to help refugees in their country since 2015.
Podcasting since 2020 • 10 episodes
Integration for Everyone
Latest Episodes
#09 - Minor Advising Migrants and Refugees on Social Media
Minor is an organization that offers research, consultancy, and pilot-testing services in Germany. Though their work covers a variety of issues in civil society, they boast an impressive number of projects...
Episode 9

#08 - Jobs 4 Refugees - Connecting People to a New Labor Market
Finding a job is hard even if you speak the language, know how to write the perfect cover letter, craft just the right CV, and give all the right answers in an interview. Imagine having to learn to do all of that in a completely new country. Wh...
Episode 8

#07 - Mosaique: What Refugee Integration Can Tell Us About Building a Better Society
This week's guest is Dr. Corinna Krume of Mosaique, a cultural center in Lüneberg that creates space for refugees and locals to meet, interact, and create cultural events. The organization hosts yoga...
Episode 7

#06 - Begegnungscafe Babelsberg w/ Volunteer Katharina - A Place to Meet and Time to Talk
This week you'll hear from Katharina, a volunteer with the Begegnungscafe Babelsberg.We discuss what it's like to be a volunteer in Geramny and Katharina draws on her experience of helping at refugee integration organizations in several...
Episode 6

#05 - It's All About Communication - Willkommen in Dallgow ft. Elisabeth Fleisch
Welcome to Dallgow, a small town on the outskirts of Berlin of about 10,000 people. Here you can find the welcome initiative Willkommen in Dallgow which formed to create a welcome community for refugees when they arrived in Germany and found th...
Episode 5